Reference: OCINFNA
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6mm OTC Neo Ashigaru x 30
Reference: SHINFTS
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6mm Sisterhood Themis Squad x 30
Reference: PFINFEN
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6mm Terran PPF Enforcers x 30
Reference: XEINFVC
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6mm Xenomite Vicinids x 30
Reference: GDINFCM
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6mm Grudd Clansmen x 30
6mm Hellborn Mutants x 25
Mankind has just recently become aware of the ancient gods that reside at the center of their universe - inconceivable beings that gift those who worship them with other worldly power and an insight into existence that drives most mortals insane.
Hellborn Mutants are those Cultists who have made infernal pacts with the evil beings they worship, allowing them to seep into their being, corrupting their bodies as well as their souls. These deformed fanatics possess inhuman strength and endurance, shrugging off injuries that would normally kill a man while destroying the unfaithful with their diabolic mutations.
A Hellborn Mutant Squad contains a random assortment of 25 6mm Hellborn Mutant models, 5 poses
Reference: HBCAVCH
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6mm Hellborn Charnel Hounds x 10
Reference: HBINFCL
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6mm Hellborn Cultists x 30
Reference: HBINFCA
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6mm Hellborn Corrupted Athena Squad x 25
Reference: HBARMCM
6mm Hellborn Corrupted Hemera Siege Tanks x 3
Reference: HBINFFS
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6mm Hellborn Fallen Sisters x 25
Reference: HBINFDS
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6mm Hellborn Fallen Sister Discordia x 25
Reference: HBARMCJ
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6mm Hellborn Corrupted Juno APCs x 3
Reference: HBINFGM
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6mm Hellborn Gore Maidens x 25
6mm Hellborn Mutants x 25